Modena III

über MENSCHEN. The Future of the Human. AES+F, Biljana Djurdjević, Bea Emsbach, Jesús Galdón, Oona Hyland, Sara Lewtas, Giovanni Manfredini, Bjørn Melhus, Alexandros Psychoulis, Anne-Britt Rage, Silke Rehberg, Erik Schmidt, Måns Wrange

Coniugazioni 3. David Mannstein, Luigi Stoisa


Rassegna Video Arte. Sylvie Boisseau & Frank Westermeyer, Stefan Dornbusch, Sybille Mania, David Mannstein, Erik Schmidt and others

Coniugazioni 2. Corrado Bertarini and Stefan Dornbusch


Rassegna Video Arte. Bert Zander, Claus Bach and others


Coniugazioni. Thom Barth, Yelda Camci-Köhler, Adolfo Lugli, Fabio Mantovani


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